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FoxLAP – External sensors

So far, The FoxLAP device is able to get the RPM, the Water Temperature, Exhaust gaz temperature and now the oxygen (lambda sensor).. i know you want more

1-RPM and water temperature
A small external box connected to the main box with an M8 aviation connector. The red cable is the RPM cable (i’m sure you know where you must clip it). the other one is the water temperature sensor with a waterproof connector. this little box is aimed to be installed on the tube with rislans. This external box is also 3D printed.

I made new water temperature connectors because I wasn’t happy with the old one. Now I think water, dust and vibration will never be a problem again.

2- Exhaust gaz temperature

Nothing revolutionnary about this probe, this is a classic K-type sensor. and the foxLAP device is compatible with AIM EGT sensor for example.

3- Lambda Sensor
This is the last sensor i was working on. As I write these lines, I haven’t tested it yet on the track but I’m sure it will work πŸ™‚ (i hope)
This is a prototype. i had to make a lambda controller to control the lambda probe: drying, heating, etc… The goal is to know in real time the oxygen level in the combustion gases, get the Lambda value and of course the AFR (Air Fuel Ratio).

The goal is to know if the carburation settings are good or not… I was tired of hearing advice I didn’t understand:
“Um, you must be lean today…” But Lean compared to what????
“Umm, you must enrich your mixture…” But how much should I enrich????
“The GoKart universe”, everybody seems to know what to do only by putting the finger in the exhaust pipe :-)…. no, i will never put my finger in the exhaust pipe okay? that’s why i made this sensor.

It’s a big ugly box for now, I made it just for testing purposes, I’ll improve it if it works and if the lambda values ​​are useful. (it’s difficult to handle everything with one hand πŸ™‚

This new sensor is using ESPNOW wifi protocol to send the values to the FoxLAP device. I will probably modify the external sensors to give them the wireless power… i’m tired about cables.

And wireless (ESPNOW) will allow you to build and add your own sensors (proximity sensors, wheel or whatever you want), without the need of cables. I will just publish the protocol i made with packet structures (c code)… but i dont know when, time is my enemy, i’m so busy…

That’s all for the moment;
We are preparing to go to Varennes sur Allier (France) on July 13th and 14th for the KartMag trophee.

1 thought on “FoxLAP – External sensors”

  1. Absolutely fabulous!
    I’m fascinated about your ideas, I check several times a day your site to see if there are any news The wireless connection of the sensors to the main unit it’s a great idea but that comes with a few disatvantages: like: EM problems, regularly charging batteries, and the most important aspect you have to turn on the sensors before entering the track, if you forger to turn them on you don’t have any data.
    I just want a unit in this stage of development, with rpm and water sensors to test it. As an ideea you can sell different versions, and the price should increase as you add more and more sensors wired or wireless. Having a few units in racing world will also help you develop future versions and check for bugs.

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